Man Bites Phone

Alan Olsen alan at
Thu Feb 8 14:13:57 PST 2001

At 03:53 PM 2/8/01 -0600, you wrote:

>On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> > Thinking about it though, given the massive headaches
> > about disposing of crypto modules and key dongles
> > properly once they are obsolete or broken, perhaps
> > there is a market for edible ones?
>Package them right in with the panties...;)

I can see the headlines now!


and the Cypherpunks headline:

"FBI getting their panties in a bunch over a bunch of panties"

Makes the "Crypto on a t-shirt" nonsense seem alot less absurd in comparison.

Interesting how the "common citizen" is starting to have to use the methods 
of spys and novels to keep information out of the hands of people that want 
to harm them.

My question is: "Do I get to be the white spy or the black spy?".  ]:>

|             Terrorists - The Boogiemen for a new Millennium.           |
|"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer:         |
| mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!"  | Ignore the man      |
|                                                  | behind the keyboard.|
|       |alan at|

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