stego for the censored II

Adam Back adam at
Wed Feb 7 16:18:31 PST 2001

I wonder if they're using PGP stealth 2 that I contributed to
based on Henry Hastur's 1.  It's kind of interesting to see
these things used in the field.

However one suspects unless they had some hired security
consultants it may be that they just used the stego
programs such as Andy Brown's or Romano's stego program with
raw messages.  Or perhaps using PGP without PGP stealth.

Also you've got to wonder if the whole thing is some
spook public opnion manipulation attempt.  And then
there's the question of how they found out.  Did they
get a tip-off and find the person stegoing the messages
into the porn?  Or was the stego not that well done and
the result didn't provide plausible deniability, so they
could remotely confirm their informant based suspicions.

On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 09:05:03AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> At 10:25 AM +0100 2/7/01, Tom wrote:
> >damn, it seems someone already did what I proposed a while ago under
> >the thread "stego for the censored".
> >if anyone in here has contacts to these terrorists, can you ask them for
> >the software, please? maybe they want to GPL it so we can use it for other
> >purposes as well? :)

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