We need You !

Robert Moore enenkio at webtv.net
Sat Feb 3 18:29:52 PST 2001

The Kingdom of EnenKio
- Economic Citizenship Program - 
EnenKio is an English-speaking sovereign independent nation in the North
Pacific Ocean. As such, it is not a well-known economic and financial
sanctuary, but with the prospect of attracting qualified professionals
in every field of endeavor, it has a growing international financial
General Considerations
The Government of EnenKio operates an Economic Citizenship Program
(ECP), which allows the grant of citizenship to individuals of good
character who make a significant contribution to the growth and economy
of EnenKio. This is aimed at stimulating inward investment and
harnessing managerial and entrepreneurial skills to help the country's
development. EnenKio law provides the fundamental basis for the
operation of the ECP. This was made possible through the EnenKio
In 1995, the EnenKio Development Act was passed into law to provide as
"The establishment of citizenship in the Kingdom shall be by mutual
consent. The possession of citizenship in any other jurisdiction shall
not prejudice establishment of citizenship in the Kingdom, provided that
any pronouncement of allegiance required by any other nation, shall not
be in conflict with any required citizens of the Kingdom."
See: Legal Opinion 
Qualifying factors
Every Applicant is a qualified citizen if:
- born unto a parent who is, prior to birth, a citizen; or,
- born within any jurisdiction of the Kingdom; or,
- a citizen or resident of the Marshall Islands; or,
- a person of Marshallese ancestry; or
- married to a citizen, or one qualified as a citizen.
Other Applicants for citizenship are invited to apply and shall qualify
to become a naturalized citizen if they:
- have attained an age of five (5) years; and,
- submit a completed passport application; and,
- successfully pass security and proof of identity checks; and,
- enclose 4 color photographs, one signed on right side margin; and,
- have proffered allegiance to the Kingdom by signing oath; and,
- have been accepted as a member of Kio Royale and remain such in good
standing; or,
- receive a grant of citizenship on economic, hardship or other valid
government program.
Any applicant who is becomes eligible or is granted citizenship under
the ECP shall be entitled to receive benefits that pertain to the
particular option(s) selected. Certain Applicants, by reason of
political affiliation, business activity, professional exploits,
occupational achievements or other personal history, having become
ineligible for citizenship in the country of origin thereby, may become
eligible under a special administrative amnesty policy and would be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Passports and other documents issued
under the ECP generally have limited terms, but may be converted to
regular permanent terms after two years. A committee within the EnenKio
Ministry of Foreign Affairs carefully screens prospective applicants for
ECP options.
Program Options
Kio Royale Membership – Active members of this private independent
service-oriented advocacy group support the efforts of the government of
EnenKio in its mission to assist persons of Marshallese ancestry to
regain occupation and jurisdiction over the lands and seas of Eneen-Kio
Atoll and protect their natural rights to self-determination. There are
4 categories of membership with Initiation fees ranging from $500 to
$10,000. An active service requirement term applies to 3 categories.
Annual dues range from $50 to $100. Benefits include Membership
certificate, eligibility of single or family citizenship grant,
Diplomatic Service Corps certificate and waiver of Active Service
Requirement term. Payment can be accepted in equivalent amount of any
internationally traded currency. Application Form 
Credit Trust Account – Individuals of good character who want to make
a loan to the government of EnenKio may contact the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Loans can be made in any internationally traded currency, in
precious metals or another agreed form.  Some restrictions pertaining
to jurisdiction of lender's origin or domicile may apply.  Such
restrictions and domain considerations are the sole responsibility of a
lender to verify legality of any EnenKio loan, barter or payment
Land Lease Program – Individuals of good character who desire or 
intend to establish, settle or maintain a residence in the North Pacific
Islands may do so by becoming a leaseholder with interests in the
Northern Ratak atolls under ascendancy of His Majesty King Remios of the
Kingdom of EnenKio. Upon execution of such a lease, application fees for
EnenKio citizenship are waived. The government of EnenKio will sponsor
leaseholders (as EnenKio citizens) to apply for an Immigration Visa from
the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). Meeting RMI requirements for
residency and otherwise will lead to Marshall Islands citizenship. By
this process individuals or families can gain full citizenship and gain
the right to work or do business in EnenKio and the Marshall Islands.
Amnesty Program – This program is reserved for individuals and
families who have become "stateless" refugees and are without
citizenship elsewhere. Provisions are generally the same as those of the
Kio Royale or Credit Trust Account program, but entail a waiver of the
active service requirement. In this way, refugees or stateless persons
of good character may be obtain permanent citizenship immediately.
Active Service Requirement (ASR)
When an "active service requirement" term applies, it affords the
parties an opportunity to verify the terms of the relationship in lieu
of the residency requirement commonly imposed by other states. Islands
of Eneen-Kio Atoll are currently being held under force of arms by
occupation forces of the United States, so residency there is not
possible. For those wanting to physically relocate to the islands, the
Land Lease Program is your best alternative. The current ASR term in
effect is 24 months. What this means is that your passport will look
like a regular EnenKio passport, but will have an expiration date of
approximately 2 years after issuance. Within 2 months of expiration, ASR
passport holders will need to re-apply for "permanent resident" status.
Upon approval, a regular 5-year passport will be issued.
Reasons to acquire a second citizenship
to establish a legal domicile 
to protect assets and income from oppressive taxation, creditors,
judgments or litigation.
to simplify travel to countries restricted under current citizenship.
to avoid persecution on religious, ethnic or political grounds.
to immigrate to a democratic peace-loving country such as EnenKio.
to find a stable country where substantial investments can be made.
Multi-national policy
EnenKio recognizes multi-national citizenship so individuals who benefit
under this program can retain their original citizenship if needed.
Individuals approved under this program enjoy all rights, privileges and
diplomatic protection as bona fide citizens of the Kingdom of EnenKio.
How to apply under the Economic Citizenship Program
Applicants choose an option and contact a consulate or the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs central office. Any amounts to be paid or loaned to the
government are made payable to the Kingdom of EnenKio in any
internationally traded currency equivalent to the US dollar amounts
published. In addition, fees may be payable to licensed and bonded
immigration consultants who will accept applications and submit them to
EnenKio Ministry of Foreign Affairs for processing on behalf of the
Reasons you may consider a second passport
Political instability in your country of origin makes travel on your
current passport difficult.
Your assets are vulnerable to loss, attachment or litigation.
You and your business are overburdened by taxation.
Your basic human right to travel is restricted.
You are not allowed to work or settle in another country.
Your life or business is threatened by your country's political or
economic situation.
Your religious or political beliefs are subject to persecution.
There are no Registration or Investment Fees. The payment of monies
represents payment for membership, consideration under contract,
document application processing, handling costs or fiscal loan amounts.
These amounts represent an applicant's commitment to the Kingdom of
EnenKio. Grant of citizenship represents the Kingdom of EnenKio's
commitment to an applicant.
All monies are paid directly to the Kingdom of EnenKio. Any fees to
cover costs of processing, legal charges and consulting is negotiated
with and payable to the Immigration Consultant if employed. Applications
under this program may be made through a licensed Immigration Consultant
or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Applicants do not need to visit or
reside in EnenKio. They can be sworn in at any EnenKio Delegation or
Consular office found in many parts of the world including the Americas,
Europe and the Middle East.
EnenKio offers significant advantages over other programs offered by
other countries:
it is a small independent state with His Majesty King Remios as its head
of state, who is the ancestral head of about one-third of the atolls of
the Marshall Islands. 
the government is still small and is building new trading partners all
over the world. 
citizens can access certain unique financial trust services
enjoy a tax-free status for personal and business ventures
have the flexibility and dependability of a friendly political system
founded on principles similar to those of the original framers of the
constitution of the United States of America and Bill of Rights.
the islands are unspoiled, warm, pristine and blessed with normally
perfect weather.
every citizen can play a part in the development of the political,
social and economic order.
EnenKio has no outstanding unsatisfied obligations.
(Updated 10/23/2000)
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geography " history " contact us
development plan " documents " official acts " news releases " links "
photos " disclaimer " involvement
CALL- 808 923-0476 FAX/PH or E-Mail mp at enenkio.org  
Facts = http://www.enenkio.org
: Spook Master for Inouye and Akaka- Allen P Stayman. "AL-GATE" By
Charles P. Reyes Jr. SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Islands (August 18, 1999
– Saipan Tribune)---John Del Rosario called it "The Pinto Boys
Plumbers Unit." Bruce Lloyd called it "Al-Gate." We could also call it
"North-Gate." But whatever it is called, it is clearly one of the
biggest scandals to hit Washington since the Monica Lewinsky affair.
Such a scandal merits much more mainland American media publicity than
it is currently receiving--and not just from the Wall Street Journal,
the Washington Times and the Washington Post, but from the Reader's
Digest, Inside Edition and 20/20 as well. Most especially from 20/20,
since it was celebrated for its award-winning CNMI sweatshop/forced
prostitution exposé. After all, wouldn't 20/20 like to know how they
served as willing dupes to David North, Global Exchange and other
co-conspirators bent on discrediting the CNMI and its free market
Republican allies? ABC's 20/20 should really produce this investigative
story. ABC's Brian Ross owes it to professional, fair-minded, ethical
journalism. Here is how such a show might go. Connie Chung: Good
evening, America. And welcome to 20/20. A few months ago, we produced a
special report called "The Shame of Saipan," detailing false charges of
sweatshops and prostitution on "American soil." Well, today we would
like to set the record straight and apologize for serving as the willing
dupes of Mr. David North, formerly of the U.S. Interior Department, who
flagrantly violated the Hatch Act in a shameless attempt to discredit
Saipan and its Republican allies. Charles Gibson: That's right, Connie.
There is compelling and convincing evidence to suggest that the U.S.
Department of Interior, Office of Insular Affairs, under the auspices of
Secretary Bruce Babbitt, former Director Allen Stayman and David North,
waged a vicious campaign of political destruction against a tiny set of
islands its office was specifically created to nurture, support and
protect. Our reporter Brian Ross has more . . . Brian? Brian Ross:
That's absolutely right, Charles. The U.S. Office of Insular Affairs
clearly violated the Hatch Act through the direct actions Mr. North and
possibly even Mr. Stayman. To this day, however, Mr. North still refuses
to comment on the matter, as this video clip clearly shows. (Episode now
switches to an ominous camera shot of Mr. North's House. Mr. North
leaves his house and Brian Ross peppers him with questions.) Brian Ross:
Mr. North, did you really violate the Hatch Act, and were you really out
to destroy Tom Delay? Mr. North: (Covering his head and waving Mr. Ross
away): No comment. No comment. I have no comment at this time. Please go
away. Brian Ross: Which was why we sent an undercover Republican posing
as a Democrat from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to
speak to Mr. North prior to the scandal. It is all here on tape, and
it's worse than the undercover buyer speaking to garment magnate Willie
Tan. (Move to undercover film clip.) Undercover Republican (posing as a
Democratic labor union supporter): Mr. North, what are we going to do
about the CNMI? Mr. North: Don't worry, George Miller will never let
them go. He will kill them. I am working on getting more Democrats to
help George kill the CNMI and their evil Republican friends right now.
Yes, this story ought to be produced; unfortunately, it will never
happen--nothing even close. STAYMAN THE SCOUNDREL By Benhur C. Saladores
SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Islands (August 19, 1999 – Saipan
Tribune)---We have a new name for Mr. Allen Stayman. From now on, Mr.
Stayman will be known as "Stayman the scoundrel" in the Northern
Marianas. This is not mere name-calling, since a scoundrel is officially
defined as "a mean, worthless fellow; a rascal; a villain; a man without
honor or virtue." Such a description fits Mr. Stayman's character
perfectly. Consider the memo he wrote to Matt Angle, a former executive
director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC),
suggesting that U.S. Democrats "repudiate" former Governor Froilan C.
Tenorio. "Largely out of sight, there is a nominal Democrat, a Governor
running for reelection, who scorns our President, who is in Washington
this week playing footsie with the Republican House leadership, and who
should be repudiated -- in writing -- by the Nation's Democrats," wrote
Stayman the Scoundrel in an October 6, 1997 memo, according to Roll
Call. According to the Saipan Tribune, "Stayman further suggested that
the Democratic National Committee 'should repudiate these scoundrels.'"
Exactly who are 'these scoundrels' Mr. Stayman refers to? Froilan
Tenorio, of course--but not only the former governor: all of the
indigenous people as well. That is, all of the indigenous people who
refuse to be subjected to Mr. Scoundrel's program of federalization; who
refuse to be deprived of their local self-government and economic
self-sufficiency; who refuse to tolerate the lies Mr. Stayman, Mr. North
and their labor union cronies tell about our home islands. Mr. Stayman
is a scoundrel because he calls people who disagree with his politics
"scoundrels," because his radical leftist ideology clouds his
objectivity and drives him to violate federal laws (the Hatch Act) with
impunity. Stayman is a bureaucratic federal bully who was out to destroy
the CNMI's reputation and anybody who defends it. Mr. Scoundrel was out
to destroy our garment industry and ravage our economy--just to serve
his politics. He knew about David North's vicious campaign to unseat
U.S. House Republicans all along--and yet he did absolutely nothing
about it, probably because he was deeply involved in the anti-CNMI
crusade himself. Mr. Stayman is a scoundrel--"a mean, worthless fellow;
a rascal; a villain; a man without honor or virtue." That much is a fact
= www.enenkio.org

Robert Moore, Minister Plenipotentiary, Kingdom of EnenKio Foreign Trade
DO-MO-CO Manager, Remios Hermios Eleemosynary Trust, Majuro, Marshall

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