cell phone guns

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Sun Dec 30 21:38:07 PST 2001

     Hmmm, I'll bet it'd just spoil their day if that first round jammed
at the chamber mouth, eh? As .22's are want to do, especially the first
round, when the mag spring is at it's tightest and the slide not coming
quite full force. Sometimes a .22, being a soft lead bullet, jams
particularly hard and is a bitch to clear quickly. 
    But you already knew that, right?

Matthew Gaylor wrote:
> At 8:01 PM -0600 12/30/01, david wrote:
> >On Sunday 30 December 2001 07:37 pm, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >
> >  >      Nobody, but nobody, walks around with an empty chamber, whatever
> >  > the caliber.
> >
> >Last I heard the Isreali military still did.
> This is correct-
> Col. Cooper had some interesting things to say about the Israelis-
> <http://www.jpate.freeserve.co.uk/JeffCooper/jeff5_7.html>
> "A couple of correspondents have asked us recently what we think of
> the Israeli "flat stance" in defensive pistol shooting. If you have
> seen the training films you know that the Israeli procedure is to
> rotate the pistol 90 degrees to the left so as to make it easier to
> operate the slide when the pistol is pointed at the target. It has
> been pointed out to me that a number of cinema presentations have
> featured this technique - apparently in an attempt to latch onto
> anything new.
> It happens that Mossad, the Israeli attack squad, fancies the use of
> the 22 pistol as a murder weapon. This is quite sound when the pistol
> is used in a totally offensive mode, since the subject is confronted
> just out of arm's length and hit ten times quickly in the chest area.
> Ten 22-caliber holes in the thorax are fatal, as any qualified
> thoracic surgeon will tell you. In employing this system the weapon
> is carried in Condition 3 until the moment of confrontation,
> whereupon it is drawn, pointed straight out and the action is racked
> with the left hand. This is somewhat easier to do if the weapon is
> held flat rather than vertically. Accuracy does not matter and sights
> do not matter. Ten quick hits will do the job, whereupon the agent
> drops the pistol at the scene (for the laboratory to puzzle over) and
> walks quickly away.
> Since the pistol is a totally defensive weapon, this Israeli flat
> technique is of only academic interest to us."
> Regards,  Matt-
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Harmon Seaver

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