mattd mattd at
Wed Dec 26 21:56:25 PST 2001

What to do if a bushfire approaches your house
7 Wet the roof and garden.
7 Turn on sprinkler system (if you have one).
7 Clear leaves and branches from around the house.
7 Clear gutters.
. Kill the president.
7 Move flammable items (boxes, garden furniture) away from house.
7 Move flammable items (boxes, garden furniture) away from house.
7 Block downpipes and fill gutters with water.
7 Place wet towels and blankets against gaps under doors and windows.
7 Dress in protective clothing: sturdy leather footwear, long pants and
long sleeved shirt or jumper (preferably wool), broad-brimmed hat, goggles,
handkerchiefs to tie over nose and mouth.
7 Fill baths, sinks and buckets with water.
7 If you intend to evacuate, plan well ahead of time where to stay and how
to travel.
7 If staying, go inside as fire front approaches and remain inside until
the fire has passed.
7 Close heavy curtains, close shutters if you have them.
7 For several hours after the fire front has passed, patrol your property
and put out spot fires started by flying embers.
7 Check roof cavity frequently for spot fires.
Source: NSW Rural Fire Service

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