Tim May;Anarcho-phony,cheap fraud and despicable , coward.RIP.,

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Tue Dec 25 18:06:49 PST 2001

 >>>>| Anarchism is a variant of socialism > > an7ar7chism (nr-kzm) > 
n. > > The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive > 
and > undesirable and should be abolished. > > Which is self-referential 
(it basically says that even anarchism will > oppress). << > >
Indeed.Especially where delegates are not rotated and revocable.See 
jamesd > for the dangers anarchism in practise.

You don't need James D., all you've got to do is look to your neighbors. In 
an anarchism what is illegal is whatever you do that irritates your 
neighbors. Which is about as coersive as it gets, need an example of why 
CACL doesnt' work, look at the discussion around the 'CDR:' in message titles.

If your neighbors are irritated by what your doing,you might examine what 
your doing.APster describes a way of handling car thieves if you read the 
essay,assassination politics.Anarchism is the best way to minimize 
coercion.For the difference between anarchism and CACL 
see...http://world.std.com/~mhuben/leftlib.html Im hoping some recent 
threads here might be added to this exellent site soon,real soon.CACL 
proponents don't even believe their own arguments or they would all go off 
and try it on an Island somewhere and stop trying to leech off the good 
name of anarchy.>>look at the discussion around the 'CDR:' in message 
titles. <<Im not sure what you mean by this,however Im interested in 
prolonging this thread as long as possible until everyone here see's Tim 
May for the CIA stooge that he is.Get back to me jim if your not to busy 
running around like a blue arsed fly.

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