Trei, Peter ptrei at
Tue Dec 18 11:27:42 PST 2001

> Young[SMTP:jya at]
> The report a while back in the NY Times on the secret
> CIA station located in 7 World Trade Center, claimed
> its primary role was to surveil UN members and staff.
> And its cover was the Secret Service office in the
> building (which also housed NYC's Emergency
> Operations).

> Now whether bin Laden, or whoever planned the attack,
> knew of this, or suspected it, could enrich the speculation
> about why the towers were targeted.

> But don't expect any findings to be made public is this
> is the case, for that might require delving into which
> operations in the Center invited retaliation by those
> who had been attacked by them.

Remember to apply Occam's razor occasionally. The WTC
towers were one of the best known landmarks around the 
world, were filled with people, stood well clear of the 
surrounding buildings, and symbolized the globalization/
Americanization of the world UBL hates.

The WTC towers were (from UBLs presumed viewpoint)
about the best US targets he could have picked, simply from
a PR, ideology, and practicality standpoint. The presence 
of a CIA office in a neighbouring building was not required 
to make the WTC towers target #1.

I used to work at 101 Barclay Street, across the street from
WTC #7. I watched it going up from my office window. I hated
the building - it blocked my view south. 101 Barclay seems to
have survived with little damage, possibly because WTC7 
shielded it from the falling debris of #1 & #2, and later #7
fell almost staight down.

Peter Trei

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