: Re: How do you sleep?

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Fri Dec 14 11:13:40 PST 2001

> mattd[SMTP:mattd at useoz.com] wrote
	>declan wrote:
>  >>I'll know I'll regret responding to the mattdproffraptroll,
ditto, ditto....

> I hope not,it took long enough to lever you out from under your 
> bridge.Sorry it took the flamethrower.
>  >>but briefly: I am not affiliated in any way with the Cato Institute. I 
> don't believe I've ever written anything for them; I am not an adjunct 
> scholar/policy analyst for them; I've been in their building just once in 
> the last five months or so. Most importantly, they say things with which I
> do not agree.<<
> You plugged that appearance here,thats my beef with you declan.I think you
> should be blasted on this list for aligning in any way shape or form to a 
> twisted conservative mob that manufacture consent for corporate 
> polluters.We are cypher-PUNKS,not cypher shills.Its crypto-ANARCHY,not 
> crypto-libertarianism.
mattd is still a newbie to this list. He will eventually learn that the
title of
the list: 'cypherpunks' tells nothing about the views of list subscribers,
range widely. In particular, he will learn that participation in the list
does not
imply acceptance of any particular stance, attitude, or agenda towards 
crypto,  stego, or government or lack thereof. 

The only thing which can really be said about subscribers in general is that
they think crypto is worth discussing.

> Your fellow PUNK for ANARCHY,mattd.
You are not my fellow.
I am not a punk. 
Since no one here even agrees what anarchy is, it's incorrect for you
to assume that anyone agrees on that, either.

Peter Trei

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