Jewish Terror Attack on US Foiled

Jon Beets Jon.Beets at
Wed Dec 12 19:45:32 PST 2001

I still do not understand how we can support Israel as we do..  From what I
have seen they are as much to blame for their problems as anyone else (maybe
more)...  When I was a much younger man I sided with Israel (American public
schooling, what can I say..)... Now that I am 37, I am tending towards the
Palestinian cause.  I don't approve of the radical groups attacking
civilians but I wouldn't at all disapprove of them attacking the Israeli
government agencies.  What would you do if a foreign government occupied
your country?   Of course allot of the problems would not turn out to be so
violent if countries would stop letting religions run their governments.
Hell, a dictatorship would have works things out by now.....

Jon Beets
Pacer Communications

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Cordian" <emc at>
To: <cypherpunks at>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: Jewish Terror Attack on US Foiled

> Gosh - doesn't anyone like the United States anymore?  Give the fuckers
> $3 billion a year in aid, and they elect a war criminal as their Prime
> Minister and pull shit like this.
> -----
> LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The chairman of the militant Jewish Defense League and
> a follower have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to blow up a Los
> Angeles mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman, federal
> authorities said today. Irv Rubin, 56, and a member of the group, Earl
> Krugel, 59, both of Los Angeles, were arrested last night after the last
> component of the bomb -- explosive powder -- was delivered to Krugel's
> home, U.S. Attorney John S. Gordon said. Authorities said the two planned
> to bomb the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City and the office of freshman
> Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
> --
> Eric Michael Cordian 0+
> O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
> "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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