Keylogger detection -- HookProtect

ming ming at
Fri Aug 10 10:27:13 PDT 2001

This is obviously the most basic and crude, but:

Sold as a tool for parents to watch over their porn-obsessed toddlers..
Yeah, I'm sure.


[This is a sig file]

On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Anonymous Coredump wrote:

>     Where's the source, Faustine? Why would anyone concerned about
> personal security want to use something like this? For all anybody
> knows, this was put together by some of your friends in NSA to
> lull the sheeple with fake security audits -- or maybe it finds
> key loggers, just not the ones the feebs install.
>    Besides which it only runs on shitty M$-OS, nobody who is even 
> the slightest concerned (and has clue) would trust that. If it aint
> linux, and ain't opensource, it ain't shit. 
>    Building something like this seems like a very cpunkerly thing
> to do -- the hardware logger is a question though. Keyboards are cheap, and you
> can buy throwaway $15 keyboards just to do keys with. Should we be 
> concerned about them going so far as to switch motherobards, and, would
> they be able to manufacture the exact MB as what you had with a hardware
> key logger built in? Seems improbable -- not impossible, but there are 
> a pretty big variety of MBs out there at this point. 

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