Public Records in USA v. Sklyarov

John Young jya at
Mon Aug 6 22:00:52 PDT 2001

Cryptome has obtained 60 pages of public records filed in 
USA v. Dmitry Sklyarov: five pages of Court documents and 
55 pages of submissions in support of Dmitry's character and 
achievements. They are offered in compressed TIFF format:

Court Documents:

Order Setting Conditions of Release and Appearance Bond, August 6, 2001  (1 page, 87KB)

Magistrate Judge Minute Order, August 6, 2001  (1 page, 83KB)

Warrant for Arrest, July 11, 2001  (1 page, 43KB)

USA Motion to Seal the Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrant, July 11, 2001  (1 page, 42KB)

Sealing Order by Magistrate Patricia Trumbull, July 11, 2001  (1 page, 28KB)

These five are available in a Zipped file:  (5 pages, 276KB)

The Criminal Complaint was also in the public records but 
heretofore published:

Submissions in Support of Dmitry:

English and Russian documents -- consulate letters, certificates 
of education and achievement, letters of colleagues, friends and 
Elcomsoft clients -- in a Zipped file of compressed TIFF images:  (55 pages, 2.82MB)

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