Laws of mathematics, not of men

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Wed Aug 1 12:05:38 PDT 2001

Eugene Leitl wrote:

> There's no point in giving idle
> feds extra angles to enter
> people's homes, preventably so.

Eugene, do you think feds enter people's home because the people in question
may have carried a knife illegally years ago?  What federal law?  What basis
for a search warrant?  What the hell are you talking about?

> Even if they just pay a friendly
> visit, I think there are much more
> interesting ways to spend one's
> afternoon than having to deal with
> nosy feds.

Then tell them to get the hell off your property if they don't have a
warrant.  That takes 5 seconds of your afternoon.

> There's always a certain amount
> of testosterone flowing, and
> some posturing on cpunx. These
> are males' natural weaknesses,
> and exploiting them just because
> you can is usually considered bad
> personal style.

You know, using the passive voice in this context is "bad personal style."
Don't speak for anyone but yourself.  If you think it's bad, just say so.
Don't hide behind "is usually considered."  Any whether you like it or
not--whether anyone likes it or not, like Tim says, "I'll do what I want."

> > I "narced out" your behavior
> > of several years ago.  If you
> > are stupid
> How is that relevant?

Statute of limitations for starters.  I'll leave the rest as an exercise for
the student.

> > enough to still be carrying a
> > knife illegally (when there are
> > plenty of legal options), then
> > there is no helping you.  On
> > your head be it.
> Oh yeah, I ratted on you, and
> you're solely to blame for that.
> Makes sense.

Then versus now.  Think about it.

> Nothing goes over a little bit of
> comic relief. Haw! Haw! Haw!

What I said was funny, but the underlying reality is serious--deadly
serious.  Tim's playing to the galleries increases his risk whether he or
wish to acknowledge it or not.

> I think you should keep these
> names and stories to yourself,
> even if they do contribute to
> the local colorit.

And I think you should stuff a sock in your cake hole.  So we both have
opinions and we disagree.  I can live with that.

 S a n d y

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