Aimee Farr aimee.farr at
Thu Apr 19 11:51:08 PDT 2001

Mad mullah wrote:

> Ray Dillinger writes:
> > Give me a few dozen writing samples from each of a
> > hundred known
> > people, and another writing sample a hundred words
> > long from one
> > of them under a pseudonym, and I can tell you to
> > a 90% probability
> > which of the hundred known people wrote it.
> Ray you bring up a very interesting point.  Does anyone know of a
> source for
> public domain, or open source, writing analysis software that
> will do just that
> ?
> Perhaps using such wares for testing purposes one can craft
> software to make subtle grammar or spelling or usage alterations
> in text based communications in order to defeat this sort of analysis.
> E.G. you've got a remailer or portal of some kind that accepts
> plain text input,
> and according
> to a set of rules makes shifts, sentence length, punctuation
> usage, spelling
> usage, and
> so on, to alter the distinctive signatures associated with the
> writing patterns
> of the person in question.  THEN afterwards this is piped into an
> encryption
> module or just transmitted piecemeal at random timings in order
> to defeat traffic
> analysis.

I've heard of using a text language translator. Translate forward to a
different language...and to another... translate back to English.
Somewhere.  My memory is foggy. (Sounds like BS.)

I recently saw some mildly pro email profiling work: I was creeped out
(being of the sheeple, of course).

[Profiler makes a mental note: excessively parenthetical, etc-etc...]


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