hello, I would like to learn how to hack a bit

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Thu Apr 19 09:46:58 PDT 2001

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 09:51:06AM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
> But the opposite will also get you in trouble -
> if you allow certain plants to grow on your property,
> numerous federal agencies will _also_ be very, very angry :-)
> And if you try to argue that *you're* not growing the plants,
> the plants are doing the growing themselves,
> they'll bust you for aiding and abetting plants...

See also these hysterical articles about birds on your property
(or, in this case, city property). 


D.C. humane society pleads guilty 
Apr. 18, 2001 05:34 ET 

Humane Society In D.C. Chastised For Bird Killings 
Apr. 18, 2001 03:16 ET 

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