Making the Agora Vanish | OSINT distributed haven (Intellagora)

David Honig honig at
Tue Apr 17 18:05:52 PDT 2001

At 08:59 PM 4/16/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, David Honig wrote:
>> At 02:06 PM 4/15/01 -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>> >regard to contract enforcement.  There has to be a hook where someone 
>> >who does a ripoff can be punished, or else there is no deal.
>> In infospace, there is only reputation, not meat and bones, that
>> can be damaged.
>Tell that to the insulin pump or the aircraft auto-pilot...
>What a naive view of 'bits'.

We're not talking about life-critical apps.



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