making the agora vanish

Ray Dillinger bear at
Tue Apr 17 12:12:41 PDT 2001

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, David Honig wrote:

>At 05:45 PM 4/15/01 -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>>what and when.  But now you've got a third party in your deal, 
>>charging vigorish when one of your main hopes was to get away 
>>from the tax man charging vigorish. 
>>				Bear
>Why do you assume that escrow agents interfere with the 
>flow of reputation and assets? 

Because they can.  If anybody can prevent a profitable 
transaction from happening, that person will charge money 
to allow it to happen.  We can expect lower rates because 
the escrow and rep guys won't be a monopoly, of course. 
But it's the same basic business; it's a toll bridge. 


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