Reading List (for the umpteenth time....)

Kevin Elliott k-elliott at
Sun Apr 15 19:06:28 PDT 2001

At 18:04 -0700  on  4/15/01, Tim May wrote:
>At 5:14 PM -0700 4/15/01, Kevin Elliott wrote:
>>At 15:14 -0700  on  4/15/01, Tim May wrote:
>>>* Orson Scott Card, "Ender's Game." Kids using untraceable pseudonyms.
>>Huh?  Excellent book but I don't recall it having the slightest 
>>mention of anything remotely applicable to the current thread... 
>>Care to refresh my memory?
>Just what I said: kid using untraceable pseudonyms.
>If you think this is "not remotely applicable to the current 
>thread," which is a "reading list" for the list, then I can't help 

That book is one of my favorites.  I've read it a half a dozen times 
and for the life of me I can't think of a single instance in it that 
fits your description.
volatile:  Because every program deserves SOME interrupt code...
Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
<mailto:kelliott at>                             ICQ#23758827

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