Cypherpunks, Feds, and Pudgyfaced Voyeurism

Declan McCullagh declan at
Wed Apr 11 19:09:15 PDT 2001

Hmm. Anyone know what are some extant web-to-email remailers,
and what Type I remailers exist?


On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 06:43:10PM -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >It's all so sad and predictable and sad again. The cypherpunks list
> >had its glory days: Wired magazine cover stories, blossoming
> >technology, and, yes, even those damnable tentacles. Now it's become a
> >convenient way for the Feds to land convictions.
> Perhaps it is time to consider a new and different mailing 
> list which accepts messages ONLY from remailers.  It would 
> be publicly archived and unmoderated just as cypherpunks is, 
> and monitored by the lions just as cypherpunks is, but now 
> that the thought-crime laws are setting in full force, it 
> could provide a forum where there wouldn't be such a simple 
> evidentiary chain from post to poster. 
> Given the recent spate of events, and the fact that some forms 
> of political speech now seem to be a crime, or at least grounds 
> for legal harassment and admissible as evidence of other crimes, 
> I will probably have to set up such a list -- more info when 
> it's ready to accept posts.
> The best name (cypherpunks) seems to be taken.  Hmm.  I will 
> have to consider.  The naming of things is a ticklish business.
> 				Bear

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