OPT: UCITA & Cypherpunks - We got a plan...

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Tue Apr 10 19:23:01 PDT 2001

Well, actually it's a plan to make a plan ;)

We intend the following:

-	Identify the several bills (UCITA, UEITA, etc.) that are currently
	in the Texas legislature for consideration. We believe this count
	is currently at five (5).

-	Identify pro and con sources of information.

-	Identify pro and con members of the legislature.

-	Compare and contrast the various 'positions' and develop an
	appropriate 'cypherpunk' responce.

-	Begin an information campaign that will hit both the traditional
	and alternative media in Texas, in particular in the
	major cities (ie Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio,
	and El Paso).

	We discussed letters to media as well as a potential video.

-	Identify each of the steps that the bills will need to go
	through in their consideration in the legislature. The
	intent is to identify 'key players' who can be contacted
	for maximum 'bang for the buck' so to speak.

-	Develop a presentation and arrange appointments with legislators
	to attempt an 'education campaign'.

-	Pray for deliverance from the pestilence of God-$ (not that
	Cypherpunks have any objection to making money, it's the now)

To help resolve these issues, in addition to the monthly Cypherpunk get
together, we will institute a bi-weekly meeting to work further on these
goals. I will be making the meeting location and time announcements on the
Austin Cypherpunks and ucita-tx mailing lists only!!!!!

We also intend to 'beef up' the SSZ homepage. One idea was to create a
'bulletin board' (eg WWWBoard) so that interested parties could
participate in a more long-lived manner than a simple mailing list.

We also intend to re-write the 'form letter' on the 'Fight UCITA in
Texas!' webpage. The feeling was that it was too long and not as well
worded as it needed to be.

Currently the mailing lists and resources are:

Austin Cypherpunks
austin-cpunks at einstein.ssz.com (closed to outside submissions)

UCITA-TX Mailing List
ucita-tx at einstein.ssz.com (closed to outside submissions)
Note that the mailing list itself is non-partisan. The same can't be
said for the webpage and most certainly not the cpunks.

Ta ta.


       To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. G. is
                                         Edgar Allan Poe

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at ssz.com
       www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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