Tanner article (nicely formatted for you sensitive lads)

Eric Cordian emc at artifact.psychedelic.net
Tue Apr 10 20:33:41 PDT 2001

Norm Writes:

>                         The Judge in the case was a Carter appointee who
>                         came out of retirement just to hear Al’s case.
> Judge
>                         Tanner’s behavior in the trial created a court
> transcript
>                         that can only be described as Kafkaesque. There
> is not
>                         a single page that does not reflect judicial
> abuse and
>                         misconduct.

Obviously this is a new definition of "nicely formatted," with which
I was previously unfamiliar.  

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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