AR Politics

John Young jya at
Sat Apr 7 10:36:19 PDT 2001

Jim testified for himself during the afternoon,
presenting as good a narrative as Jeff's. He's
due to continue on Monday.

Both Jim and Jeff made little use of exhibits,
and an observer might think their testimony
was scripted by a single writer: both had
been well-rehearsed in acting style and voice
direction to perform a single story with two
views of the same events, both equally compelling
or unbelievable depending on what a viewer wanted
to see.

The main difference is that Jeff has the backing of
a luxurious justice system: the courthouse, the judge,
the agents of several TLAs, guards, marshals, SEATAC,
and much more.

Jim has a roll of the dice with the jurors, all of
whom are  dressed and look more like Jim than the
mani-uniformed officials (most better dressed than,
say, like me).

Jim has no witnesses, Judge Jack denied all requests,
compared to a couple of dozen for the government.
Most of Jim's request for discovery have been denied,
while the gov gets all it asks for. Judge Jack
denied Jim's request for access to his own notes
use during his testimony.

Jim has so far demonstrated that he is several
grades of intelligence above that of his official
tormentors. And far less prejudicial.

So what if the show is scripted that way, that the
hero is doomed to be condemned by the king's police,
that is crowd-pleasing anti-revolutionary politics.
And blood-quickening incendiary.

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