Pleading the 5th

Jim Choate ravage at
Thu Apr 5 16:02:48 PDT 2001

I don't do interviews.

I also own the copyright on everything I post to Cypherpunks. If it gets
printed without my permission (and I won't give it) in a newspaper or
other COMMERCIAL venture it is copyright infringement. You're free to post
excerpts. I believe ~200 lines is the maximum allowed under current
copyright law.

Here's the real test to see if you really do respect 'private property'.

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Sunder wrote:

> Jim Choate would be a good candidate for you to write an article about.


      We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

                                               D.H. Lawrence

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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