Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

Declan McCullagh declan at
Tue Apr 3 19:29:35 PDT 2001

It's important for cypherpunks to understand why Seth Finkelstein has 
(apparently) recently subscribed to the list. Seth is essentially an 
anti-cypherpunk, someone who violently disagrees with free-market points of 
view and has spent (a conservative estimate) hundreds of hours arguing 
against them.

Seth's claim to fame is that he popularized the "Libertarianism Makes You 
Stupid" saying, popular among a small clutch of Net-leftists. An article he 

Obviously there are going to be some points of agreement. Seth is a liberal 
and a programmer who is going to like strong crypto, free speech (only the 
types the ACLU approves of, naturally), and so on. But on cases involving 
free trade, commercial speech, critiques of government regulation, Seth is 
an aggressive anti-cypherpunk and proud of it.

(This is not to say that all cypherpunks are libertarians, of course. The 
DC cpunx are mostly Finkelsteinian leftists, as far as I can tell. But the 
problem is that modern leftism runs up against cypherpunkly thinking -- to 
the extent there is such a consensus -- pretty quickly.)


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