DOJ steps up child porn fight, plan regulates digital cameras

Phillip H. Zakas pzakas at
Mon Apr 2 14:55:19 PDT 2001

ya know this does sound like an april fools joke (esp. the part about
encouraging the photographer to enter into counseling.) but while working
for aol i remember companies trying to sell me on the concept of 'anti-porn'
pic filtering software.  it worked by looking for a high percentage of flesh
tones in a pic.  if the pic hit the min. level of flesh tone we could block
it from proxy servers, or filter it from kid view, etc.  worked essentially
like the satellite image processing software used to locate certain types of
flora or pollution, etc.  none of it was quick enough or reliable enough to
work properly (not sure about the current state of the art though).

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cypherpunks at Algebra.COM
[mailto:owner-cypherpunks at Algebra.COM]On Behalf Of Ray Dillinger
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 5:18 PM
To: Declan McCullagh
Cc: cypherpunks at; fight-censorship at
Subject: Re: DOJ steps up child porn fight, plan regulates digital

This is an April Fool, right?  Even if the tech existed, it would
require substantial processing power and there's no way they could
get it into cameras by... um, by April First ...


"Remember, Remember
 The fifth of november
 The gunpowder Treason and Plot.
 I see no reason
 The gunpowder treason
 should ever be forgot..."

Rhyme taught to twenty-second century british children, just
before detonating the charge under an effigy of a "Parliament
  --Time traveler's guide to seasonal celebrations.

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

>I note the mainstream media is picking up on this story:

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