CDR: tight group from nowhere

Private User See.Comment.Header at [127.1]
Wed Sep 6 17:09:14 PDT 2000

DoS attacks before internet worked for Catalonians:

Internet does give some advantage:

Sync message goes out with the time (www, usenet, maillists).
Action takes place in the meatspace (we flush toilets and turn
on hemp lights at the right moments.)

There is NO WAY to trace this back to the distributed agents -
that is, unless your neighbour reports unusual light activity :-)

Something similar happened some 7-8 yrs back in the Bay Area
where drivers (on 101, I think) did 55mph in sync in all
lanes, creating chaos.

We are far too stuck to internet as communication medium.

Flushing the shit can also deliver the message,

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