CDR: Re: Hard Shelled ISP?

Sampo A Syreeni ssyreeni at
Sat Oct 28 07:14:13 PDT 2000

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Tim May wrote:

>For another, most people have not themelves experience a security 
>problem. While they understand how neighborhood thieves can break in 
>and steal their stuff, they have no similar experience for their 
>computer data. Unless and until this changes, they just won't care 
>very much.

Of course, a substantial part of real privacy problems never manifest
themselves as such. The bits leak and do their damage (Men with Guns
mysteriously knowing precisely on whose door to knock, companies suddenly
not having a job opening after all, competitors making highly informed
decisions  etc.) without people even realising what hit them. It's no wonder 
few people ever come to think of privacy, expect perhaps with financial
transactions. Given the widespread habit of spreading VISA numbers around,
even that isn't a given.

Sampo Syreeni <decoy at>, aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university

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