CDR: Fw: [Fwd: Markierte Musik: SDMI Crack]

Marcel Popescu marcel at
Fri Oct 13 11:04:29 PDT 2000

Yiihaaaa! Will they release SDMI knowing that it is broken? [Not that it
wasn't a bad idea from the start.]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Markierte Musik: SDMI Crack
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 14:32:16 +0200
From: "q/depesche" <depesche at>
To: quintessenz-list at

q/depesche 00.10.13/1

Markierte Musik: SDMI Crack

Wie Salon Magazine berichtet, wurde das von der Musikindustrie
favorisierte Muik-Wasserzeichen System, die so genannte "Secure
digital Music Initiative" einem Crack zugef|hrt. Was dieser zu
bedeuten hat, ist noch nicht ganz sicher.

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
| Watch out -- recording industry executives are about to start
running for cover. All of the Secure Digital Music Initiative's
watermarks -- its much ballyhooed music protection scheme -- have
been broken. A spokesperson for SDMI has denied the reports, but
according to three off-the-record sources, the results of the Hack
SDMI contest are in and not one single watermark resisted attack.

The hacking contest, which invited the general Net population to
break the recording industry's watermarking system and win
$10,000, ended Sunday; this week, SDMI members are meeting in
Los Angeles to discuss the results. Although a core group of
participants (including members of the Recording Industry
Association of America) who coordinated the testing process are
aware of the contest results, the larger SDMI consortium has yet to
be informed.

The key issue is whether the breaks are meaningful or not -- in other
words, could any hacker repeat the breaks, and is the quality of the
music preserved even when the watermark is scrubbed out?
According to one insider, all these hacks were, in fact, technically
"solid." The hacker boycott of SDMI organized by members of the
programming community who were suspicious of what they saw as
an attempt to coopt their labor in the service of a corrupt industry has
turned out to be effectively irrelevant.

According to one witness attending the SDMI conference, recording
industry members held an emergency meeting at 6 a.m. PDT
Thursday to discuss the results. SDMI members and the press will
likely be informed Friday, several sources said, although most
speculated that the record industry would try to downplay the results.

Voll Text

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