CDR: Re: Vinge

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 30 01:51:04 PST 2000

At 11:41 PM -0500 11/29/00, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>Tim May wrote:
>>  My point about the old edition is that $25 is a lot to pay for what
>>  is basically a novella. I predict those who pay $25 and finish the
>>  novella two hours later will be saying "I paid $25 for _this_?"
>        I don't know - 25 bucks doesn't get you much anymore. I spent $40
>tonight in a mediocre resturant for some walleye and a couple glasses of
>Merlot. About 2 hours and they didn't even have a cute waitress.  I'm sure
>the book will be much more filling.

To each their own. Spending $40 for one for dinner is a lot of money, 
esp. if you claim the wine was mediocre and the waitress wasn't cute. 
I don't spend this kind of money.

Could be why I retired when I was 34. Think about it.

Front-load your savings. Skip the $40 dinners and the $25 paperback 
novels. Take the $400 or whatever per month and invest it.

--Tim May
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election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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