CDR: RE: - U.S. Supreme Court strikes down drug roadblocks - November 28, 2000

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Wed Nov 29 14:53:46 PST 2000

> Jim Choate wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, sunder wrote:
      >[Please don't post 64k of html when a URL would do]

> > This is such a fucking waste of space and time.  Why are you so hard
> headed?
> I never learned to say 'baaah' and I feel no obligation to satisfy your
> desires or wants. I certainly feel no desire to live my life according to 
> your ethics. If it really bothers you see a shrink.
> Just another wannbe tyrant.
>        The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
No, just a reasonable man asking you not to piss where we drink.

Jim, you're being a jerk. When I post long texts, I post only the 
text, even if I have to pull the page source into emacs to do so.
If appropriate, I post the URL instead. This is common courtesy.

As you say, it's an open list. No one can actually stop you from
being a jerk except yourself. However, as your jerk index increases,
people gradually pay less and less attention to you. It hurts your
reputation, which is the closest thing to gold you possess in an
online form such as this.

There's a difference between (1) being a sheep, and (2) acting with
consideration; a difference which appears to be too subtle for you.

Peter Trei

Disclaimer: It's just my opinion, OK?


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