CDR: Re: Vinge

Tim May tcmay at
Tue Nov 28 19:24:16 PST 2000

At 5:28 PM -0500 11/28/00, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>      Lucky me -- I was recently able to score a nice copy of Vinge's 
>"Across Realtime", the '91 edition that includes "Ungoverned", for 
>only $3 at a used bookstore. Busy reading it now, and liking it so 
>much I talked myself into a $25 copy of "True Names" I found thru 
>Bibliofind. Wish they were hardcover, it seems like an awful lot to 
>pay $25 for a pulp edition paperback, but seeing that all the other 
>copies were $60 and up and also paperback, I guess it's a deal.

Considering that the new edition of "True Names" is just about to 
appear, and has a bunch of related essays in it, I certainly wouldn't 
have paid $25 for the pb.

>       Used book stores -- sigh! Sure wish I could afford to quit the 
>computer racket and run a used book store instead.

A _physical_ used book store? Surely you are kidding. My experience 
is that used book stores are employers of low-wage 
people...suggesting slim profit margins.

If you are suggesting an Internet service, you wouldn't even have to 
leave the computer biz. OTOH, other companies are already offering 
such matching services. Powell's Books, for example.

--Tim May

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