CDR: ip: Know your enemy By Linda A. Prussen-Razzano

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Tue Nov 28 10:07:15 PST 2000

At 12:08 PM 11/28/00 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>Enter Stage Right
>Know your enemy
>By Linda A. Prussen-Razzano
>Senator Joseph Lieberman, Vice President Al Gore's running mate, publicly
>issued allegations that the Republican Party was bussing paid operatives to
>Florida for the expressed purpose of intimidating local election officials

I don't think they were bussing (kissing) them.  In fact they probably 
weren't busing (transportation by bus) them.  They were flying them in.


"In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which 
was right in his own eyes." -- The Book of Judges, Chapter 17, Verse 6.

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