CDR: Re: Lost password

Console Cowboy everding at
Tue Nov 28 10:07:47 PST 2000

Has anyone though about setting this list to only accept mail from it's
members? That would seem to solve quite a few of these issues (issues
meaning lots of spam, like 2-5 messages a day of spam from this address.)

{ BE -----------1011.1110------------------ everding at }
     This must be morning.  I never could get the hang of mornings.
{--- GPG public key @ ---}

On 29 Nov 2000, eGroups Notification wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for using eGroups, home to free, easy, email groups.
> We have received your request for information about a forgotten
> password.
> * If you requested this notice and still don't remember your
>   password, please follow these steps to create a new
>   password:
>   1.  In your web browser, go to:
>   2.  Enter this reauthorization number: 68947
>   3.  You will be asked to create a new permanent password.
>       Your new password cannot be the reauthorization
>       number.
> * If you did not request this notice, please ignore this
>   message. Your eGroups account and current password have
>   not been affected and you can continue using our free
>   service as usual.  If you believe someone is attempting to
>   misuse your email account, please forward this message to
>   egroups-abuse at
> Regards,
> eGroups Customer Support

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