CDR: Re: Jim Bell arrested, documents online

Neil Johnson njohnson at
Sat Nov 25 21:08:35 PST 2000

Some observations:

What would keep a Gov't from using AP to accomplish their own objectives ?
They obviously would have the resources to.  They might even find it a much
more  efficient way to silence vocal critics with plenty of "plausible

To be fair (and I'll guess that it has been covered before) you would really
want to have a "futures ;) " market where
supporters could sell contracts that paid off if the target lived to a
certain age, past certain date, or for a specific period
of time. This would be in addition to contracts sold by detractors that
would pay off if the target didn't.

Maybe even a anonymous pool that gets paid to the entity accurately
predicting the date of a FOILED attempt on the target.

I can see it now:

Mr. May:

  Enclosed please find the keys to your new armoured vehicle. No Charge.

Signed: A concerned investor.

(P.S. It really IS armoured. It just "looks" like a '76 Ford Pinto. :) )


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