CDR: Re: Missouri AG needing postnatal abortion

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Wed Nov 22 12:57:20 PST 2000

At 05:43 PM 11/20/00 -0500, Jim Burnes wrote:
>>                     "I dont really have any recourse," he said.
>Ummm, let me think.  Move to a different ISP/NSP idiot!

He probably needs to move to a non-US ISP, which won't
feel threatened by a US state attorney general.
But that's quite separate from Nixon's threat to bust *him*
every time a Missourian buys and uses one of his licenses;
as an American, he'd need to get quality legal advice
if he wanted to stay in business.

The American Automobile Association will also sell you
international driver's licenses.  They're quite upfront about
them not being a substitute for a local driver's license
from the US state you live in, and most of all US states
require you to get one of their licenses if you live there
longer than some continuous number of days, typically 15-60.

I have seen somebody selling relatively low priced 
driver's licenses from Tobago or some other Caribbean island.
That doesn't help you in your US home state, but if you're in
some other US state with a Tobago license and a AAA international
driver's license, that's generally legal and workable.

Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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