CDR: Re: Close Elections and Causality

Kevin Elliott k-elliott at
Sun Nov 12 11:06:34 PST 2000

At 12:38 +0000 11/10/00, Ken Brown wrote:
>But are there no rules in Florida allowing for a re-vote? If there
>really are 19,000 spoiled papers from once county, that sounds "massive"
>to me. It may not be fraud - the fools who designed the papers probably
>thought they were doing right - but it has the same effect.

This is why people who don't know statistics should not be allowed to 
think... By no means is that number, by itself, of any significance 
whatsoever.  How many got canceled last election- one number I heard 
said 14,000.  If so then 19,000 is about what one would expect 
considering increased voter turnout and normal statistical 
fluctuations.  More importantly, the ballot was approved by both 
parties before the election took place.  If they didn't bitch then 
they don't have the right to bitch now.

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware 
of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting 
victims of the darkness."
-- Justice William O. Douglas
Kevin "The Cubbie" Elliott 
<mailto:kelliott at>                             ICQ#23758827 

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