CDR: Bush Florida lead dwindles toward zero...

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Sun Nov 12 02:08:22 PST 2000

Bush actually lost votes, a very bad omen for him.

Partially detached chads tend to come off during
repeated runs through the tabulating machinery.

This recount is occurring without a court order,
it's provided for by Florida law.
#    November 12, 2000
#    Palm Beach County Orders Manual Recount of Bush-Gore Vote
#    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Palm Beach County officials ordered an
#    extraordinary countywide recount, by hand, of the more than
#    425,000 votes cast in the presidential election for Al Gore and
#    George W. Bush.
#    Gore added 36 votes and Bush lost three in a machine recount
#    of Palm Beach County in Florida's disputed presidential balloting.
#    A hand count of selected precincts turned up enough errors in
#    the election night vote to prompt county election officials to
#    order a complete recount by hand. The vote early Saturday was
#    2-1.
#    "This clearly would affect the national vote," said Carol Roberts,
#    a county commissioner and a member of the canvassing commission.
#    Election officials said their exhaustive manual recount found
#    numerous differences from the machine count. Roberts said the
#    errors point to potentially 1,900 errors county wide -- more
#    than the existing statewide margin between Bush and Gore.
#    At stake is no less than the presidency, since Florida will
#    deliver 25 electoral votes.

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