CDR: Re: Greetins from ZOG-occupied Palestine

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Sat Nov 11 01:19:12 PST 2000

At 08:34 PM 11/10/00 -0600, Phaedrus wrote:
>On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 auto9950013 at wrote:
>> Tim May, the heavily armed hate monger who refers to ZOG, and , his
>> right wing malitia friends have missed there chance.

	So is "malitia" a bunch of bad soldiers?

>> Certainly the 400 of us needed killing before we influence the American 
>> Presidential election.
>actually, since ballots were supposed to be postmarked two days ago,
>killing you now wouldn't help (even if I were for it, which I'm not,
>personally) unless something very bad were going on....

Yup.  It's now in the hands of disgruntled Postal Workers.

(And apparently there _has_ been a certain amount of malfeasance
in handling the mail ballots, though it's not clear the P.O. were
directly involved.    And the Postmaster General's on the
succession list, at least in the 1947 version.)
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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