CDR: Re:Greetings from ZOG-occupied Palestine

auto9950013 at auto9950013 at
Fri Nov 10 20:22:00 PST 2000

We thought you knew it all Tim.
You better lock and load Tim.
ZOG  (California chapter) lives and they are close.

At 10:53 PM 11/10/00 , Tim May wrote:
>At 8:34 PM -0600 11/10/00, Phaedrus wrote:
>>On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 auto9950013 at wrote:
>>>  Tim May, the heavily armed hate monger who refers to ZOG, and , his 
>>>  right wing malitia friends have missed their chance.
>>>  Certainly the 400 of us needed killing before we influence the American
>>>  Presidential election.
>>actually, since ballots were supposed to be postmarked two days ago,
>>killing you now wouldn't help (even if I were for it, which I'm not,
>>personally) unless something very bad were going on....
>I'm not so sure...killing auto 9950013 at may still be 
>useful. I think I know who george at is, based on text 
>comparisons. My guess is that both of them need to be tracked down 
>and killed.
>Allah will know his  own.

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