CDR: Re: A successful lawsuit means Gore wins!

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Fri Nov 10 02:03:56 PST 2000

There's legal precedent for Florida judges
to take corrective action if the will of the
people (their votes) was thwarted.

Which is how it should be.

#    Florida Judges Have Power to Upset Elections
#    By DAVID G. SAVAGE and HENRY WEINSTEIN, Times Staff Writers
#    WASHINGTON--Florida's Supreme Court has given judges in the state
#    broad power to overturn an election if flawed ballots create
#    "reasonable doubt" that the outcome truly reflects "the will
#    of the voters."
#    The law is not clear, however, on how to remedy such a mistake,
#    especially when a flawed ballot in one county might have changed
#    a statewide result--let alone possibly determine the outcome
#    of a national election for president of the United States.
#    "We are in uncharted territory," said University of Florida Law
#    School Dean Jon Mills. Yet Democratic lawyers in Florida were
#    pointing Thursday to legal decisions that give them a basis for
#    going to court to challenge the outcome there because of ballot
#    confusion in Palm Beach County.
#    In an opinion issued in 1998, the Florida Supreme Court said
#    that disputed elections can be voided even when there is no
#    evidence of fraud or vote stealing. The justices stressed that
#    election results should reflect the will of the voters.


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