CDR: Re: Democrats are arguing for "statistical sampling voting"

Harmon Seaver hseaver at
Thu Nov 9 19:54:31 PST 2000

Tim May wrote:

> I put a ballot in front of him, consisting of three open cans of cat food:
> Gore:  O
>              O : Buchanan
> Bush: O
> He spoiled his ballot by eating out of more than one can, though, so
> he has now brought in Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Tawana Brawley, and
> Morris the Cat to argue that he was confused and should be given a
> "do over."

    Funny, I did sorta' the same thing here, only I got 3 cats and only one
can of, er, "ballot".  It was a landslide.  Of course, these 3 (Mama Fritzi
and her two offspring, P-Boy and Rachel) are feral cats never had no learnin'
except the street. More than a bit spooky, and quick to strike out with fang
and claw, also quick to disappear when strangers come. I trust their
judgement. Mama Fritzi learnt 'em well -- always have a good deep hidey-hole,
rip the shit outa' anybody lays a hand on you, and move fast. They guard me
when I sleep.

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