CDR: Re: [Correction] More blather from the DEMS on FL

Jim Burnes jburnes at
Wed Nov 8 16:18:52 PST 2000

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:
> At 10:50 AM -0500 11/8/00, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> >IMHO if the courts order a new election in this county then they need to
> >do it for the entire state as the electorial college is winner take all
> >and it would be unjust to allow this one county to determine how these
> >delegates vote.
> Well, they spent $3 billion on this election, I hear.
> A new vote in this county would let them spend another billion or
> two, just for that one county.
> You are right that if they order a new election in that county--which
> is not beyond the pale, as the judges are pols--they should order a
> new election in the entire state. And even that would not be "fair,"
> of course.
> This may actually be the event which accelerates a move to electronic
> voting. Which is not an unmitigated good, despite the high "Wired"
> score it would undoubtedly garner.
> --Tim May

I find it extremely interesting that this is all going down in the
state that was covered in detail in the excellent book 'VoteScam'. 
This book, written by the Collier brothers, details massive voter fraud in 
Dade county.  When the Colliers discovered the extent of voter fraud they 
brought it directly to the State Attorney General Janet Reno. Ms. Reno 
promised action and then conveniently forgot the whole matter.
Are bells ringing yet?  

There are those who would claim that I'm complaining all this because I'm a
libertarian partisan.  Let me just say that most of the voter fraud in that
book was internal to the Democratic party.  Claud Pepper's security 
apparachniks beat up the Collier brother who was running against him
when Collier stood up in a democratic meeting to give a speech.  The tawdry
tale of ballot stuffing, police involvement, and general corruption of the
election process is very disheartening.

One of the reasons I'm so jaded with regards to politics is that I've seen
the force and fraud first hand.  When the Libertarians tried to get included
in the debates in 1992 we were greeted by jack-booted storm troopers, MP5s
and German Shepards in St. Louis.  The Colliers were greeted by the Dade
county machine.  Its all the same.

Maybe Ms. Reno still has connections in Dade county.  If I were a Republican
I'd demand chain of evidence from any so-called 'lost' ballots.  


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