CDR: [Correction] More blather from the DEMS on FL

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Wed Nov 8 07:50:03 PST 2000

>While the recount of the FL ballots is going on the Democrats are now
>complaining about the format of the ballot and threating legal action. It
>seems that the ballot is "confusing". The complaint is that the double
>sided ballot contained 2 columns on each side rather than one.

>I personally used the FL ballot. It was large, well printed, and quite
>legible. Anyone who was "confused" by it's format is just too dam stupid
>to vote.

>I am starting to get the feeling that the SC is going to decide this
>election before it is all over. :(

My mistake, seems that one county in FL used a different ballot than the
rest of the state. They used a punch style ballot with one column of punch
holes and candidates on both sides:

Bush  --> 0  
          0 <-- Buchanan
Gore  --> 0
          0 <-- Nader

Still seems simple enough to me.

IMHO if the courts order a new election in this county then they need to
do it for the entire state as the electorial college is winner take all
and it would be unjust to allow this one county to determine how these
delegates vote.

William H. Geiger III  
Geiger Consulting    

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