CDR: Re: Courts interfering with election

Tim May tcmay at
Tue Nov 7 18:16:55 PST 2000

At 8:35 PM -0500 11/7/00, George at wrote:
>TimMay wrote:
>#    I thought I was jaded, but this is too much even for me to believe.
>#    A judge in St. Louis has ordered the polls kept open later, until 10
>#    pm local time. The effect will be to let more inner city,
>#    Democrat-leaning voters vote.
>What a lame-ass complaint.
>For some reason, certain polling areas got jammed up,
>as in long lines. The court agreed to keep the polls
>open longer so the people could vote. It didn't matter
>who the people might vote for, despite the Democrats
>asking for the extended hours.

Yes, the Democrats pushed for this.

In other states, the unions gave their members the day off. At least 
this is the established way to buy votes.

Having the courts extend the hours so that more inner city mutants 
can stagger down to the polls is inexcusable.
>The Republicans actually went into federal court to
>try and block this, and failed.

And it would serve the Democretins right if an appeals court 
ultimately reverses the decision to extend the polling hours and 
throws out _all_ of the tainted votes.

>Did you expect a Republican judge to say no since
>the people who might be unable to vote by the normal
>deadline were Democrats?

I expect "The polling hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m." to be upheld. 
People arrange their schedules accordingly. If they work hours such 
that they cannot be at the polling places during these hours, they 
obtain absentee ballots. Or they take personal time off of work. Or 
they go in an hour later. Etc.

>What's your objection to people voting? Try not to
>mention a political party in your reply.

No, my objection is a change in the rules at the 11th hour, 
instigated by one party.

I would be just as incensed if Palm Springs and West Palm Beach had 
changes made to their voting situations as a result of Republican 
legal actions a few hours before the polls were to close.

As to your insults lobbed at me, _you're_ the one hiding behind a nym.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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