CDR: Re: US report urges Arafat to use torture for peace

Harmon Seaver hseaver at
Mon Nov 6 20:59:57 PST 2000

    What kind of bullshit is this? The term "stone throwers" make's it sound
like it's a bunch of little kids thowing pebbles. These dudes are throwing
fist sized rocks and many of them are using the old thong slings like David
used to slay Goliath. And you get a whole gang of them -- it's deadly barrage.
That's how they used to execute people over there -- "let him who casts the
first stone", eh?
     What would you do if a mob came at you throwing stones the size of your
fist? I'd open up on them myself without a qualm. And not with rubber bullets
either. The Israeli soldiers are showing incredible restraint -- I'd just go
rock and roll solid ball, with a ma deuce if I had it.

David Honig wrote:

> At 11:14 PM 11/5/00 -0500, An Metet wrote:
> >It excuses the use of Israeli live bullets against stone-throwers, adding
> that CS gas and rubber bullets are
> The Israelis claim that they use live ammo against molotov cocktailers, not
> mere stoners.
> Without intending to enter a geopolitical discussion :-) this seems
> reasonable.  I think
> any home or store owner would do this; and as RoE for soldiers it seems
> reasonable.
> Perhaps they need a water cannon, but water is pretty scarce there..

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