CDR: Re: Here's an interesting twist on gun control ...

Peter Capelli/Raleigh/Contr/IBM pjcjr at
Sun Nov 5 16:35:33 PST 2000

     Yes, while it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to
pass this law, how could it be unconstitutional as a local or state
statute?  Something similar to requiring X number of smoke detectors per
square foot.  Additionally, it does not mention a paperwork requirement for
not owning a gun.

     While I admit it seems like a foolish law (akin to requiring a citizen
to vote), I hardly see how it would require 'a killing'.  Also, given their
views, killing them may not be as easy as others who are unarmed. ;-)



"Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Tim May <tcmay at> on 11/05/2000 04:32:13 PM

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