CDR: Re: Minesweeper and defeating modern encryption technology

Jim Choate ravage at
Sat Nov 4 15:07:49 PST 2000

On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, dmolnar wrote:

> > Another aspect of the N=NP is that the assumption is that if we can
> > resolve a single NP to a P then that should resolve ALL NP to P. That's a
> > pretty big leap with no real analysis behind it. A canon of faith rather
> > than proof or fact.
> I'm sorry. I've been talking about the class "NP" as I've seen it defined
> in class and as in books such as Papadimitriou's _Computational
> Complexity_ or Garey & Johnson's _Computers and Intractability: A Guide
> to NP-Completeness_. This is only partly an appeal to authority; it's
> primarily to clarify what I mean when I'm writing and so try to avoid
> confusion. 
> For the class NP as defined there (and I can give the definition here in a
> separate message if you want, but they do it with more skill and care than
> I would), it is *not* the case that "if we can resolve a single NP to P
> then that should resolve ALL NP to P."
> We *can* identify particular problems for which we can prove
> "if we can solve this problem P in polynomial time, then P = NP." 
> Then P is called an "NP-hard" problem. If the problem P is also itself in
> NP, then P is called an "NP-complete" problem. 
> We can prove these theorems by giving explicit methods to convert a
> solution algorithm for one such problem into a solution algorithm for any
> problem in NP. 

I accept that. A point of clarity, I'm not claiming that N=NP for a single
problem means I can solve all of them. I believe that to say that if a
problem isn't polynomial then it must fit into NP and that ALL NP are
equivalent is just silly. It's like saying N! and be reduced to e^x,
though neither can strictly be reduced to a polynomial.

However, especialy in the press, there seems to be exactly this sort of
view. It seems to be that the impression they leave is that if we find a P
solution to primality we'll as a consequence have a solution avenue to
all other NP problems. It's that 'all other' that I object too. With
respect to your statement above, it just seems they use your wording and
leave the 'particular problems' part out.


                     He is able who thinks he is able.


       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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