CDR: Re: FW: BLOCK: AT&T signs bulk hosting contract with spammers

Tim May tcmay at
Fri Nov 3 15:18:11 PST 2000

At 11:36 AM -0800 11/3/00, Bill Stewart wrote:

(about AT&T knowingly supporting Spam sites)

>Fortunately, somebody got this to the right people at AT&T;
>otherwise I was going to have to contact the Sales VP (Hovancak)
>whose name was on the contract and ask him to find the sales rep
>who got fast-talked into signing that contract. 
>AT&T's privacy policies mean that we can't reveal information on
>our customers' networks, so it's the PR folks' problem
>to tell you that we've learned the error of our ways,

Oh, I doubt AT&T has "learned the error of its ways." This is just 
their spin control.

Like Esther Dyson's spin control..."I won't let it happen again."

Until, of course, the next mass mailing to her "Dear Friends" goes out.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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