CDR: Re: FW: BLOCK: AT&T signs bulk hosting contract with spammers

Tom Vogt tom at
Fri Nov 3 01:14:13 PST 2000

Kevin Elliott wrote:
> You know, I don't like spammers any more than the next guy, but come
> on.  Unethical?  we're not talking genocide and it's not like it
> cause significant (heck, even measurable) harm.

as a matter of fact, it does. the quantity of it, you know. if your 1
mio spam mails cause every receipient half a sec (on average) to
discard, you've just wasted roughly a week of worktime.

then again, 90% of your receipients will most likely waste much more
time every evening *willingly* subjecting themselves to advertisement
(and a little entertainment between the spots) on tv anyways.

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