About 5yr. log retention

Tom Vogt tom at ricardo.de
Wed Dec 27 02:44:32 PST 2000

"James A. Donald" wrote:
> Whether they were a threat or not is an objective fact.  Jews were not a
> threat (unless perhaps one happens to live in Eretz Israel).  Nazis were a
> threat.  Anyone who says otherwise does not merely have different moral
> preferences.  He is deluded or lying.
> In particular jews were not a threat to germans and the aryan race, whereas
> nazis really were a threat to everyone.
> That the nazis tended to murder anyone including their fellow nazis, and
> commies tended to murder anyone including their fellow commies, is an
> objective fact, capable of being true or false.
> That normal people do not tend to murder anyone, but only those that really
> do threaten them, is also an objective fact capable of being true or
> false.  From such objective facts, we can determine that the nazis really
> were objectively evil.

*IF* killing people (this way) is the definition of evil, and there is
no other way to be evil but by being a murderer, *THEN* you are
perfectly right.

I still think murder and "evil", while touching each other, are not
identical. I still think you're overly simplificating the problem, and
that's exactly why it works so good in these extreme cases.

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