More half-baked social planning ideas

Ray Dillinger bear at
Tue Dec 26 01:01:08 PST 2000

On Mon, 25 Dec 2000, Tim May wrote:

>At 9:25 AM -0800 12/25/00, Ray Dillinger wrote:

>>Another general cause is that most of the current houses are built
>>stupid.  In the 1940's and 1950's houses were built that were quite
>>habitable without constant airconditioning.  They had basement
>>windows where air could be drawn in and air was cooled in the
>>basement with  scads of thermal contact with the cool earth.
>California houses have almost _never_ had basements. Check it out. 
>Check the history of houses built throughout the state, going back a 
>century or more.

You're right, that was boneheaded.  AC isn't the biggest use of 
power in California -- that's just a prejudice I brought in from 
elsewhere.  Crud.  Okay, from now on I'll try to stay more on 


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